PAREA proud to attend the HOPE Summit in Washington DC

On 17 and 18 August, PAREA's Founder attended the Hopkins-Oxford Psychedelic Ethics (HOPE) Summit in Washington, D.C.. Tadeusz spoke about PAREA’s work and the newly funded EU project on psychedelic therapies, PsyPal.

PsyPal has an independent ethics advisor, and ethics-related deliverables are integrated into the project structure. We believe that such independent ethical oversight should be a fundamental aspect of any major psychedelic therapy projects and commercial pursuits.

The HOPE meeting provided a unique opportunity to connect with many thought leaders in the field. The meeting was designed to address the numerous challenges this field is grappling with in a safe, supportive, and honest manner. There was also a strong emphasis on moving from words to action.

Special thanks to the organizers: David B. Yaden, PhD, Brian D. Earp, as well as Edward Jacobs.

More on the HOPE collaboration and the Summit (including a draft schedule):

HOPE Working Group Consensus Statement:

More on PsyPal:


PsychedeliCare initiative registered by the European Commission


European psychiatrists’ attitudes toward psychedelics: new study findings