
Reports & Funding


Annual Reports

Financial Reports

PAREA will be incorporated in 2025. Prior to 2025 our fiscal sponsor was Drug Science. Drug Science Reports including PAREA Expenditure is included here:

Drug Science Annual Returns

Funding Sources

PAREA welcomes the development of psychedelic medicines and the investment of the pharmaceutical industry in this field. To this end, PAREA may engage with the relevant companies and is free to accept donations from pharmaceutical companies.

To ensure that PAREA’s independence and integrity are maintained, our goal is to keep pharmaceutical contributions at a maximum of 33% of the total revenue.

PAREA will not accept any funding from pharmaceutical companies that comes with conditions or expectations that could influence the organization’s decision-making, strategic direction, or policy positions.

All industry funding received thus far has been unconditional and has supported the general operations of PAREA.

Transparency is one of our core values, and we are committed to openness and accountability. On this website, you can now find detailed information about our industry funding sources.

More information on our collaboration with industry can be found in the following document:



Pharmaceutical Funding


Pharmaceutical Funding

Pharmaceutical Funding








Pre 2021

Pharmaceutical Funding

Seed funding €15,000