Pathways to Access Summit: Exploring the Future of Psychedelic Therapies in Europe

While the FDA is poised to approve first psychedelic-assisted therapy for PTSD later this year in the US, the outlook for regulatory approvals and patient access in Europe is markedly more distant. To address this gap, PAREA is co-organizing the Pathways to Access Summit on June 5th, 2024, in Haarlem, Netherlands, alongside the OPEN Foundation and other European partners.

PAREA’s Founder Tadeusz Hawrot remarked: "Innovation is vital, but so is its application in a way that allows clinical advancements to be smoothly integrated into regular care, ensuring timely and equitable access. I am thrilled that PAREA is spearheading this summit with our key European partners, focusing on a fundamental element of our mission: enhancing access."

The Paths summit is a dynamic, one-day gathering that will bring together key stakeholders from government, industry, non-profits, patient organizations, and regulatory bodies, including the European Medicines Agency. Together, we'll explore the specific opportunities and challenges that shape the development, approval, and integration of psychedelic medicines within the mainstream European healthcare system. Discussions will include critical areas such as EU requirements for clinical trial designs as well as pricing and reimbursement assessments.

The summit will adopt an interactive format, with open space sessions that allow attendees to contribute to and shape the agenda. This approach ensures that Paths addresses not only the predefined topics but also the salient issues highlighted by participants, leveraging the collective expertise of the group.

Are you a researcher, drug developer, policymaker, regulator, student, or therapist eager to influence the future of psychedelic therapies in Europe?

Join us at the Pathways to Access Summit and take an active role in shaping the dialogue.

As a special incentive, use our exclusive co-organiser discount code: PAREA100, to receive €100 off (33% discount) your ticket. Secure your place here.

Discover more about the summit and view the full programme here.


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