ICEERS becomes full PAREA member and three new Community Supporters join our network

We are starting strong in 2025 with exciting updates on our evolving community.

We are very pleased to announce that the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service (ICEERS) has transitioned to full membership status after years of valued involvement as an Observer. ICEERS’ work is essential to ensure that the ethical, ecological and safety issues arising from the globalisation of plant medicines are integrated into the development of psychedelic therapies for mental health. 

We are furthermore happy to welcome three new Community Supporters to our network: 

  • Heal Ukraine Trauma (HUT): a U.S.-based non-profit organization that provides evidence-based mental health support to Ukrainian veterans and their families to heal from the trauma of war so that they can live fulfilling and productive lives.

  • Centre for Evidence-Based Drug Policy (CEBDP): a UK based think tank using its links within parliament to promote an evidence-based approach to drug policy aimed at reducing harm, enhancing public health, and unlocking medical and economic benefits.

  • Psilocybin Access Rights (PAR): a group of volunteers publicly campaigning for the UK government to reschedule psilocybin and make it accessible for patients and researchers.

We extend our appreciation for the important work conducted by these organisations and look forward to meaningful collaborations in the year ahead.


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