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First EU-wide Mental Health Initiative
In solidarity, the EU Commission moves to support its citizens and their mental health and has released a comprehensive outline featuring 20 initiatives aimed at destigmatizing mental health issues and guaranteeing universal care access. €1.23 billion has been designated for this initiative. The new measures aim to improve prevention, treatment and care, plus social reintegration after recovery, truly making mental health a priority.
PAREA EU Insights May
PAREA's latest EU Insights edition delves into the crucial intersection of EU policy and psychedelic science, particularly focusing on the recent transformation of EU pharma legislation. This update also introduces our new feature - a curated selection of the top psychedelic science developments. Support our mission to enjoy exclusive benefits and contribute to this ground-breaking field.
Video message marking the launch of the parliamentary group
We are pleased to share a video message from the PAREA Founder marking the launch of the MEP Action Group for the Medical Use of Psychedelics in the European Parliament:
Launch of the parliamentary action group
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Members of the European Parliament Action Group for the Medical Use of Psychedelics (MEP AG), a platform to promote collective action for safe, responsible, and effective psychedelic treatments. The MEP AG, comprised of MEPs from seven EU nations, will be an important vehicle for change. PAREA, along with PsychedelicsEUROPE, provides secretariat support for the Group.
PAREA endorses the EU mental health statement
As a cosignatory of the EU Mental Health in all Policies Thematic Network Joint Statement, led by the Mental Health Europe, PAREA supports the crucial importance of prioritizing mental health in all policies across Europe. Recognizing the societal and economic benefits, we urge policymakers to adopt a comprehensive, multi-sectoral approach that promotes mental health and reduces inequalities.
PAREA Founder speaking at the PSYCH Symposium
Join our Founder at the PSYCH Symposium in London this July 6th, where he will be speaking about the future of psychedelic medicine in Europe. Taking place at the historic British Museum, he will be discussing this emerging industry alongside around 350+ business leaders, key innovators & policymakers.
Use our personal discount code for 15% off your ticket. Secure your seat now.
Revision of the EU pharmaceutical legislation
The European Commission has published a revision of pharmaceutical legislation, marking the most significant reform of the bloc's pharma rules in 20 years. This comprehensive overhaul is set to make a substantial impact in Europe and globally. PAREA has actively contributed input leading up to its publication and remains engaged in shaping the legislation during the institutional negotiations phase.
A need for a coordinated EU action on psychedelic therapies
On 24th April, our Founder participated in the EC DG SANTE’s stakeholder event – “A comprehensive approach to mental health” and pitched for an EU-level coordination action to help member states prepare for the roll-out of psychedelic medicines. On this occasion, PAREA submitted concrete ideas on how to make this happen that you can access here.
Third issue of PAREA EU Insights newsletter
We have just released the 3rd edition of EU Insights which can be browsed here. This newsletter will be freely available and you can subscribe at the bottom of our website. You can also help support our mission by becoming a funding supporter.
Submission to the EC consultations on health priorities
PAREA makes a submission to the EC consultations Stakeholders' Targeted Consultation on EU4Health: future priorities, orientation and needs’. The consultation results will be used in the consultation report and will also feed into the EU4Health stakeholders’ conference on 9 June 2023.
Building for the future: Preparing for equitable access to psychedelic medicines in the EU
PAREA’s Tadeusz Hawrot discusses the organisation’s recent meeting with the European Commission’s Health Directorate (DG SANTE), and the need to begin work on equitable access to psychedelic therapies in Europe in the Psychedelic Health article: Building for the future: Preparing for equitable access to psychedelic medicines in the EU.
Open Access Government editorial by Prof. David Nutt
PAREA Chair Prof. David Nutt writes in Open Access Government “Why Europe needs to catch up with psychedelic research”. See page pages 1, 2 and the full issue here.
Meeting with the EC’s DG SANTE
In early April, PAREA met with Stefan Schreck, Advisor for Stakeholder Relations at the European Commission DG SANTE (health directorate). Among discussed topics, PAREA emphasized a need for the EU Member States to proactively prepare for the roll-out of psychedelic medicines in order to build the necessary expertise and infrastructure for the highest quality, safe, affordable, and equitable access to psychedelic medicines.
PAREA featured in Lucid News
One of the most influential psychedelic therapies media Lucid News profiled PAREA’s work in its recent article: The EU is Inching Closer to a Psychedelic Renaissance. The article covers topics like the beginnings of PAREA and the mental health political landscape in Europe. Read the full story here.
PAREA speaks at the psychologists’ students European congress
The involvement of the next generation of therapists will be crucial to expanding access to psychedelic medicine in the near future. Against this backdrop, PAREA Founder had an opportunity to sit on the panel "Psychedelic Interventions: When can psychedelic treatments be useful in a clinical context?” that took place during the 37th Congress of the European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations (March 27th – April 2nd 2023).
EMCDDA Director replies to MEPs
PAREA saw a reply from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction to the letter sent by a cross-party group of MEPs. The letter observed that some substances listed in the UN conventions have authorization for medical use. It is possible that the WHO-ECDD will consider re-evaluating these substances as the scientific evidence base changes in relation to their possible therapeutic value.
See the MEPs letter here and the EMCDDA reply here.
PAREA speakers at the ECNP New Frontiers meeting on psychedelics
PAREA Chair Prof. David Nutt provided a keynote lecture and PAREA Founder Tadeusz Hawrot brought the meeting to a close, presenting on the patient perspective at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology meeting: New Frontiers Meeting on psychedelics which took place in Nice on 19-20 March.
EMA to organize a multi-stakeholder workshop on psychedelic therapies
In response to a letter from a group of cross-party MEPs calling for the EU to act fast on psychedelics, the EMA wrote that there are currently 16 clinical trials with psychedelic compounds in the EU and EMA will be holding a multi-stakeholder workshop on the topic towards the end of 2023.
Read the MEP’s letter to EMA here, the EMA reply here and the associated POLITICO article here.
EMCDDA - Technical meeting on the medical uses of psychedelics
PAREA was invited to the EMCDDA’s technical meeting in early MArch 2023. This is one of the many recent signs that the European Union followed PAREA’s call to prioritise this area/to reflect on how we can prepare for the adoption of psychedelic therapies.
The more inter-agency collaboration that we can foster the better.
The past, present and future of the EU’s Horizon programmes
In line with the European Commission’s effort towards Better Regulation, stakeholders were able to share their views on the performance of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, as well as shaping the strategic orientations for the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027.
PAREA submitted a response to this consultation, read our response here->